...everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence.

 Mourning Dove [Christine Quintasket] (1888-1936) Salish



Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism...

 AA Grapevine


...These men had found something brand new in life. Though they knew they must help other alcoholics if they would remain sober, that motive became secondary. It was transcended by the happiness they found in giving themselves for others. They shared their homes, their slender resources, and gladly devoted their spare hours to fellow-sufferers. They were willing, by day or night, to place a new man in the hospital and visit him afterward. They grew in numbers...

Big Book  pg. 159


Creator show us how to follow our purpose.