A Prayer for Strength


O' Great Spirit whose voice I hear in the wind and whose breath gives life to all the world hear me! I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. O' Great Spirit make my hand respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people. Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. O' Great Spirit, we seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy myself. Make us always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes, so when life fades as the fading sunset my spirit may come to you without shame.

Tom White Cloud  Ojibway



Lord, make me a channel of thy peace--that where there is hatred, I may bring love--that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness--that where there is discord, I may bring harmony--that where there is error, I may bring truth--that where there is doubt, I may bring faith--that where there is despair, I may bring hope--that where there are shadows, I may bring light--that where there is sadness, I may bring joy. Lord, grant that I may seek to comfort than to be comforted--to understand, than to be understood--to love, than be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life. Amen.

Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions  pg. 99