But they know what love means and what truth means. They see the
Spirit Father in everything. Tocmetone Paiute The very practical approach to his problems, the absence of
intolerance of any kind, the informality, the genuine democracy, the
uncanny understanding which these people had were irresistible. He and his
wife would leave elated by the thought of what they could now do for some
stricken acquaintance and his family. They knew they had a host of new
friends; it seemed they had known these strangers always. They had seen
miracles, and one was to come to them. They had visioned the Great
Reality--their loving and All Powerful
Creator. Big Book pgs. 160 &
161 Some day we hope that every alcoholic who journeys will find a
Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous at his destination. To some extent this
is already true. Some of us are salesmen and go about. Little clusters of
twos and threes and fives of us have sprung up in other communities,
through contact with our two large centers. Those of us who travel drop in
as often as we can. This practice enables us to lend a hand, at the
same time avoiding certain alluring distractions of the road, about
which any traveling man can inform you. Big Book pg. 162 Grandfather teach me your truth, that I may see it in everything.