Have always in view, not only the present but the coming
generations. The unborn of the future nation. Dekanawidah Iroquois We
must however, as individuals and as a fellowship, always be concerned with
the structure of service of AA which protects and expands our way of life.
For we continue to owe to the generations yet unborn a solemn obligation
to insure that this way of life is available to them, as it has been to
us. We
may not need a General Service Conference to insure our own recovery. But
we need it to insure the recovery of the alcoholic who still stumbles in
the darkness, seeking the light. We need it to insure the recovery of some
unborn child, inexplicably destined to alcoholism. We need it to provide,
in keeping with the Twelfth Step, a permanent haven for all alcoholics who
in the ages ahead can find in A.A. that rebirth which brought its first
members back to life. Bernard Smith, Chairman AA General Service Board
1951-1956 Creator let us remember the next generation.