When a child my mother taught me the legends of our people; taught
me of the sun and sky, the moon and stars, the clouds and storms. She also
taught me to kneel and pray to Usen for strength, health, wisdom, and
protection. Geronimo Chiracahua Apache I forgot the strong warnings and the prejudices of my people
concerning drink. Big Book pg. 1 Childhood memories rose before me. I could almost hear the sound of
the preacher's voice; there was that proffered temperance pledge I never
signed; my grandfather's good natured contempt of some church folk and
their doings; his insistence that the spheres really had their music; but
his denial of the preacher's right to tell him how he must listen; his
fearlessness as he spoke of these things just before he died; these
recollections welled up from the past. They made me swallow
hard. Big Book pg. 10 There I humbly offered myself to God, as I then understood
Him, to do with me as He would. I placed myself unreservedly under His
care and direction. I admitted for the first time that of myself I was
nothing; that without Him I was lost. Big Book pg. 13 Grandfather, Grandmother teach us the lessons we need to live in
spiritual way. |